AFTER a busy production cycle, we are happy to welcome the latest issue of Army&You to our line-up of published magazines.
The title, which is sent out to nearly 50,000 Service families across the UK and further afield, is the Army Families Federation’s (AFF’s) major means of communicating with its diverse and geographically-dispersed audience.
As well as taking charge of the design process, including sourcing the striking front cover image of charity founder Louise Fetigan, the TylerBale team offered up its writing services to provide features on mortgages and insurance as well as the interview with the cover star.
We are proud to work with an organisation as esteemed as the AFF and continue to provide our services at no expense to the charity. Instead, we cover our costs through the support of an army of loyal advertisers. If you want to join their ranks, check out our Army&You advertising mini-site.
Next up for the A&Y team is the magazine’s bumper 100th issue – check back here in September to discover how we helped to mark the occasion!